Starting in powerlifting can seem daunting, but with a structured approach, you can set yourself up for long-term success. As a coach, I have seen countless beginners make progress by focusing on the fundamentals. Here are the top 5 tips that I recommend to every new lifter:

1. **Master the Basics**: Focus on form and technique above all else. The squat, bench press, and deadlift are technical lifts that require proper alignment and movement patterns. Work with a coach or experienced lifter to perfect your technique before increasing the weight.

2. **Build a Strong Foundation**: Strength isn’t just about lifting heavy weights; it’s about balance, mobility, and core stability. Incorporate accessory exercises like lunges, planks, and pull-ups to develop a well-rounded strength base.

3. **Consistency is Key**: Progress doesn’t happen overnight. Commit to a training schedule that works for you and stick to it. Start with 2-3 sessions per week and gradually increase frequency as your recovery allows.

4. **Prioritize Recovery**: Powerlifting is demanding, and recovery is just as important as the time spent in the gym. Ensure you get enough sleep, hydrate adequately, and incorporate rest days into your schedule. Mobility work and stretching can also speed up recovery.

5. **Set Realistic Goals**: Set short-term and long-term goals for your lifting journey. Whether it’s hitting a new PR or competing in your first meet, having clear objectives will keep you motivated and focused.

Remember, powerlifting is a marathon, not a sprint. Progress safely, embrace the process, and celebrate every milestone, no matter how small.